IceGroup The dilemma in choosing a filling machine and considerations, which is better – an inline or a rotary machine? We can sum them up very simply – we offer both the first and the latter, however, in the current season, we have noted a considerable increase in orders for rotary machines. Maybe because they are characterized by lower budget, smaller space required while maintaining fantastic functionality consisting in producing a large group of products, or using various types of containers, including using non-stacking lids, with sealing. What’s also important is that even the smallest of our rotary machine has the possibility to work with nearly every kind of the dozers of our production, including volumetric dozers for specific products with large inclusions, requiring precision thanks to dosing an appropriate volume and not dosing only in the given time interval, and this is important for example for the more and more popular 1-pint or 500 ml cups, whose primacy is clearly noticeable in many markets.

We produce rotary machines both for family tubs and impulse ice cream – and in this case not only single-lane, but two-lane, three lane with seats arranged radially or on the perimeter, and even four-lane with diagonal configuration of seats, for which we take advantage of our experiences in dairy fillers.

In the newest Ice Group catalog, which we plan to issue in January 2022, the range of machines presently known as Expert CRF 2 and Expert SRF will be combined and will be called with a common abbreviation RVF (Rotary Versatile Fillers), however, they will still be machines from the EXPERT series.

The below presentations concerning our Standard Rotary Filler, but in a special version for Research and Development divisions, and the Expert CRF are a result of past experiences.

Expert SRF
Expert CRF
Along with our new catalog, we will issue a new, integrated presentation of rotary machines. If you would like to receive this presentation and Ice Group’s 2022 catalog, please order here: