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Ingredient Feeders - Ice Group - Industrial Ice Cream Machines

Ingredient Feeders

Taking into account the latest trends in ice cream products, whose idea is based on interplay and often contrast between ice cream and inclusions incorporated in it, the role of the ingredient feeder can’t be overestimated.

MASTER IF ingredient feeders produced by Ice Group are a series of devices, ranging from the simplest with proven solutions to specialized ones, which can be equipped with tensometric weighing system or which can work with two or three different types of inclusions. We are talking here about fully PLC-controlled devices, with option of two-chamber tank or additional peripheral devices, such as Vibration feeder, Crispies Constant feeder, as well as pumps, which are also produced by Ice Group.

At the same time, Ice Group’s offer includes an extensive range of dozers, allowing filling ice cream with inclusions, extra-large ones as well.

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Master IF - ingredient feeder