The calendar as a material is not so important, but I’ve decided to put its header in this newsletter. Firstly, the modified motto, that is „real alternative” changed to „long-running”, I would like to say „very real alternative”. I wanted to point out to the passing of time, but also, if we look at the number 30 combined with the infinity sign and the simple suggestion “mature… still growing”, we are expressing that on one hand, we are ready to take on challenges, on the other hand, there will surely be new challenges, which will be easier for us to meet thanks to a solid base of experience.
The construction of the material’s message you are looking at is quite simple – old, past machine designs, their photos, confronted with present time. The changes are quite easy to spot, despite their long list, as long as the list of names, companies products… I smiled heartily looking at the first concept drawings of Tortica, prepared in 2003 for a customer from Spain, comparing them with Tortica from 2020, recently sent to Algeria.
We have had an abundant year, let’s reflect on our main shipments documented in the link below.