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News - Ice Group - Industrial Ice Cream Machines


Visit in new Lidl factory in Germany

In autumn 2018 the representatives of our Client, Shinline company from Kazakhstan, Mr Andrei Shin and Dimitri Dokin, visited a newly opened production plant of Lidl company in Ubach Pallenberg. It was a unique visit because, as they were informed there, they were the first outside guests of Bon Gelati company (the producer) and most probably the last ones. Dimitrij Dokin shared his impressions from the visit and thoughts regarding changes on the market, where there appear direct relations of ice cream producers with large international distribution chains with their own supermarkets.

Визит на новую фабрику Lidl в Германии

Осенью 2018 г. представители нашей партнёрской фирмы «Шин-Лайн» из Казахстана Андрей Шин и Дмитрий Докин посетили новую фабрику мороженого Bon Gelati в Ubach Pallenberg, которая производит продукцию для сети супермаркетов Lidl. Это был особенный визит, потому что, как они узнали уже на месте, они были первыми (и вероятно последними) иностранными гостями фирмы Bon Gelati. Дмитрий Докин поделился впечатлениями от посещения фабрики и своими размышлениями на тему изменений на рынке мороженого, на котором в последние годы появилась тенденция создания союзов непосредственно между производителями мороженого и большими международными дистрибуционными сетями, имеющими собственные супермаркеты.

Opening new storage and office building

Still in December we have completed and opened for use our new storage and office building. This modern space, connected with our assembly room, opened in 2013, constitutes a complementation of our production complex. This way we have significantly increased our storage area, space necessary mainly for purchased components, such as pneumatic and electric parts, transmission gears, sealings, etc. This will also improve the functioning of internal completions preparation and the effectiveness of spare parts and complete machines shipment from our company. The office area gave room for two personnel enhanced departments of our company: Technological and Designing Departments. Especially the latter has increased significantly in manpower and, after a transitional period, the entire group of our Designers have finally been placed in one comfortable office. The equipment has been supplemented with additional work stations with new Solid Works program licenses. The new building offers also a training and visiting room.

Delivery of Expert JRF

Expert JRF (4876) – rotary jars filler


150 ml and 500 ml jars


  • Servo-driven working table
  • Servo-driven dosing column
  • Buffer jars infeed table
  • Unscrambler for unstackable lids
  • CIP facility
  • Siemens control system

Delivery of Sprinter 8000 Servo Special

In December 2018 we delivered a special sandwich machine Sprinter 8000 Servo Special to a Norwegian Client. The machine is our response to the world trend of hand-made look country-type sandwich with American style cookies and ice cream rich in solid pieces and sauces. Like in the case of the first machine of this type sent to Australia, Sprinter 8000 Servo Special was equipped with both servo-driven extruding and cutting station and servo-driven follow-up dosing station, both exchangeable, which allows the Clients to create both the standard extruded sandwich as well as country-type sandwich.

Press release 2018

New brand machine EXPERT JRF (Jars Rotary Filler)

In October 2018 we released a brand new machine, called Expert JRF (Jars Rotary Filler) for the filling and closing of different types of jars; The machine is Ice Group’s reply to the latest trends in ice cream production and offers a completely new quality of the product with various dosing modes possibilities.


At the beginning of December (8-9 Dec 2017) Ice Group sp. z o.o. organized Open Days dedicated to the presentation of the company, its current achievements and showing machines at different stages of production right at the company seat.

The guests of Ice Group during the Open Days included both suppliers and ice cream producers, not only from Poland, but also from Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Russia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey and the Ukraine. 

At the beginning of December (8-9 Dec 2017) Ice Group sp. z o.o. organized Open Days dedicated to the presentation of the company, its current achievements and showing machines at different stages of production right at the company seat.

The guests of Ice Group during the Open Days included both suppliers and ice cream producers, not only from Poland, but also from Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Russia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey and the Ukraine. 

“Together we’ve achieved more than each of us ever before, supporting each other in crucial moments, despite partial disputes, to maintain a common, uniform course and defend it” – such were the words with which the President of the company, Leszek Arkadiusz Geratowski, addressed Mariusz Goik - the General Manager, vice-President and Co-owner, whose 50th birthday constituted yet another celebratory aspect of the Open Days.

The machines presented during the event included, among others, a complete pasteurization line Technomix 600, continuous freezers Frosto of capacities ranging from 600 to 1600 l/h, ordered by Clients in the United Arab Emirates and India, Master FF fruit feeders 1200, 2000 and 3000, Expert CRF and Jumbo Robot 6 – a robotized filling station for scooping tubs and family containers, also for the Client in Emirates, in-line filler Expert LVF, prepared to be sent to a Client in Iraq, Deserta i.e. ice cream log machine for a Client in Korea and a complete 10.000 extrusion line for stick products, ice cream cones, cakes and logs, as well as products fully coated with chocolate, such as ice cream bars and bon-bon candies, made for the Client in India. As a part of company presentation, the guests also got acquainted with the production management and control program “IPO System” and its functioning in practice. 

The meeting at Ice Group was a unique opportunity to see the full production process, starting from designing, production of components and their assembly, until the final phase, including mechanical installation and pre-shipment tests of ready equipment. The guests had therefore a possibility to visit not only the Commercial and After Sales Departments, which they have everyday contact with, but also the Designing Department or Automation Engineers, responsible for Software. Moreover, they could see the daily work in Ice Group’s production rooms. The stay at Ice Group ended with a common meal prepared both for the invited guests and the company employees and in the evening, there was an official dinner party for the guests. 

“The cooperation between the Supplier and the Buyer in relation to the construction of industrial ice cream machines is based first and foremost on trust, which I regard as absolutely indispensable in this relation” – this exceptionally accurate statement of the jubilarian, the 50-year-old with 25 years of experience in the ice cream business – Mariusz Goik – constitutes an excellent punchline to the meaning of the meetings on 8th and 9th December. 

We hope that, as Ice Group, we not only haven’t let the trust of our Clients down in the last 25 years, but strengthened it, thanks to the increasing quality of our machines, constantly widening the production program and the growing number of Clients, as well as such events as Open Days in our seat.

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Athletics Meeting

In marketing activities Ice Group company focuses mostly on ice cream business related events, to obtain the best possible commercial result. 

In Silesia, a region typically related with heavy industry, i.e. coal mining, metallurgy, we represent a completely different sector - food industry. Our business activity is related with the production of equipment for industrial ice cream manufacturing, which is quite unique in this region. From this perspective, it would be completely unreasonable for us to engage in promotional event at a local scope, as they do not have any direct influence on our commercial result. 
There is, however, one exception - Rybnik is Our City. It’s a city we work in, the city we identify with. Rybnik is a city visited by our Clients – guests invited by Ice Group to participate in machine shows, pre-shipment tests and other events, related with procedures which are part of executed contracts.

In marketing activities Ice Group company focuses mostly on ice cream business related events, to obtain the best possible commercial result. 

In Silesia, a region typically related with heavy industry, i.e. coal mining, metallurgy, we represent a completely different sector - food industry. Our business activity is related with the production of equipment for industrial ice cream manufacturing, which is quite unique in this region. From this perspective, it would be completely unreasonable for us to engage in promotional event at a local scope, as they do not have any direct influence on our commercial result. 
There is, however, one exception - Rybnik is Our City. It’s a city we work in, the city we identify with. Rybnik is a city visited by our Clients – guests invited by Ice Group to participate in machine shows, pre-shipment tests and other events, related with procedures which are part of executed contracts.

From this point of view, we feel enough motivation to invest in the future of our city, as what better way of shaping it, than by children, by youth, soon-to-be adults, properly prepared to “pick up the baton”. Therefore, we think it is very reasonable of Ice Group to engage in the sponsorship of educational and sports events, organized in Rybnik and directed at children and youth.
We encourage other companies from Rybnik to similar initiatives. By publishing on our website a photo relation from the sponsored event, we hope to draw attention of other potential sponsors.

Leszek Arkadiusz Geratowski
President of the Board and Commercial Director

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Re-certification ISO

ISO_2017.jpg (33 KB)In our constant efforts to increase the quality of our work, we successfully passed another recertifying audit of our Quality Management System in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 9001:2008 norm, conducted again by Intertek.